
  • Musculoskeletal Medicine: Assessment, diagnosis and management of muscle, bone, joint, tendon, soft tissue injuries, diseases, conditions


  • Elite and Amateur Sports: Consultancy for injury prevention, injury rehabilitation and recovery,  improving athletic performance


  • Sport Events: Managing, planning, and provision of medical cover for various sporting events depending on the size and other sport and event specific characteristics 


  • Exercise Prescription: Individualised exercise advice and prescription based on individual characteristics, functional requirements, and background medical history


  • Physical Activity & Health : Consultancy services and advice on appropriate physical activity planning, interventions, assessments for both individuals and groups


  • Education: Teaching and training corporate clients,  professional and amateur sport clubs, and other interested individuals and groups on various aspects of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), work place emergencies, work place health and wellbeing, sport specific emergencies, injuries prevention and management, RSI 



For private Musculoskeletal appointments please contact:

Bupa Centre, Canary Wharf (Crossrail Place) 
Crossrail Station and Retail Mall, Unit 20, Level Zero, 1 Crossrail Place, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AR

Canary Wharf Station, Jubilee Line

Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, Elizabeth Line

Canary Wharf Station, DLR 

Parking: Canada Square Shopping Mall (Waitrose)

T: +44 (0)20 7256 2462    E:




For more information about other services please contact: